War is good business for a few companies but those companies are secretely the most powerful companies on Earth. All blaming and division in general leads to more violence. Violence and it's sibling "Fear" is "thee currency" of the global elites. The golden goose that propels all control of the masses.
Hypocrisy is obvious to you. I get that. The flavor of hypocrisy we choose to highlight often includes some form of division. The hypocrisy of communism is also present... almost as if it is the same form of mass control as capitalism wearing a different mask. Hmmm. So what are we really getting to here?
Who or what is abusing humans globally and what can humans do about it if we were all to work together without blaming each other?
BTW I spent three weeks in Romania in 1974. Fun times. Met KGB agents and farmers. All good folks. Neptune was fun. Kluj is so beautiful. Dracul’s Castle was very creepy. Imagine life back then. Vlad the impaler. Whew. Monarchy is terrifying. I think that's why the French Revolution happened and the USA was founded, to escape the fascist dictatorship that is the Monarchy. Of course the USA has been subverted decades ago by the Monarchy...