Trump’s Obsession With the ‘Deep State’ Has Led to This Pandemic??? Toxic Paranoia???
I see zero facts or even postulations in the body of this interview to support those two catchy Headlines. In fact I see potential support twice from the author in the possibility that a deep state cabal actually exists and in fact statistically must exist by the very nature of the effects of “Too Much Power” because as we all know, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely”… every time.
No one with a any “real” power will allow the general public or media to see them operate. You probably know very little about the Fabian Socialists or their masters, the “Space Bankers”!
Yes that IS a wolf in sheeps clothing. Their motto?
"For the right moment you must wait, as Fabius did most patiently, when warring against Hannibal, though many censored his delays; but when the time comes you must strike hard!
Who are the Space Bankers? Only you can see it for yourself. I can’t really show you.