This quote shows the truth of the matter quite nicely. "Sucked", a term we use to denote a task or thing that is unpleasant comes from the street term for the sexual act of fellatio. Many things in life that we currently have no present tense understanding of are tallked about in a post group understanding tone and that creates maximum distortion or Cognitive Dissonance.
A thought-terminating cliché (also known as a semantic stop-sign, a thought-stopper, bumper sticker logic or cliché thinking) is a form of loaded language, commonly used to quell cognitive dissonance. Depending on context in which a phrase (or cliché) is used, it may actually be valid and not qualify as thought-terminating; it does qualify as such when its application intends to dismiss dissent or justify fallacious logic. Launching a written piece based on a TTC is unhelpful.
Whether or not you want to accept it, women do control the initial stages of communication that lead to sexual interest from the male counterpart, or female counterpart. These signals come in many forms and the one piece swim suit does in fact send a different message than a bikini or thong, whether the girl or boy are aware of it does not matter. YES there are instances when a male seemingly randomly attacks a female but that is not the sort of sexual advance that the pastor is reffering to and when you conflate the examples of that behavior that too is not helpful. Whether the massive multi-generational, trans industrial sexualization and traumatization of children and women is at play here is unquestionable, hence the use of the term "Sucks" by a youth pastor.
I could address all 5 points of apology and your interpretations of them here but I am sure no one has read even this far. If you have then let me say the overlay of neurosis inherent in this pastor's reply to his own beliefs only shows how the zeitgeist is in complete retreat from reality and in full psychosis... right where they want us for the great reset.
Yes it does "suck" that a little girl can't wander about in a sexualized costume through a gaggle of little boys and not get a reaction from their hormones.. but in just a few years they will be further depressed when they don't... unless they are interested in the other many gender choices of which there are millions of other signs and triggers to consider.