This is the moment all of humanity has been waiting for since the introduction of guilt. A chance to cleanse itself in white hot nuclear Armageddon. In the most sophisticated racquet of all time, where the watchers get the victims to kill themselves and pay cash for the honor to do so, we have reached the final moments of the game...
and yet something else of equal and opposite power is taking place... the grand revelation of the lies through the organic process of Universal illumination. The dark is only supported by the light. All matter is merely condensed light which is itself condensed quantum flux. Have faith everyone, your efforts to save humanity through compassion love and knowledge of truth are paying off. No one is buying it any more. Their wars and NWO restrictions and Chem trails are being seen for what they are, by everyone. It's a process that has accelerated at quantum speed. The end result will be an evolution to a higher order and that is unstoppable so keep up the good work. Share the obvious truths. Do not comply. Love they neighbor and above all dance like there's no tomorrow.