Philip Miller
3 min readJan 8, 2021


I feel ya JW! Brave of you to think into the possible future. Based on past descriptions of political upheavals and our current mainstream media’s depiction of current affairs you could be right. Mr. Trump certainly has been painted as some sort of Mussolini or Hitler even… but hear me out ok?

Maybe it could be better to keep going even deeper before you make about 15 declarative statements assuming that you are correct about how the ancient rackets work, when it comes to manipulating the masses.

The Romans said "Divide and rule". We Americans are certainly divided and yet the very same people meet at work, school restaurants and church every week… oops I guess we don’t anymore. Hmmmm. That pesky Wuhan Virus that we paid for to be developed leaked out and spoiled our lives. It must be Trumps fault right?

I understand we like to blame and Mr. Trump is an obvious target for a generation or three generations even however mark my words, if you even remember Mr. "Hope" Obama and his promises to drain the Deep State Swamp of Republican corruption you might see that it hasn't mattered which side you chose for at least 50 years. It's a selection not an election. you are given a choice of lesser evils each time and they are both bought and paid for by the ruling class. This new poorly staged theatrical production, is just another in a long line of false flag diversionary tactics used to ignite civil wars in unstable third world countries.... They want us to tear out each other’s throats while they sip Cabernet in their yachts or ski chalets in Switzerland. By speaking your words you are adding to the flames and ignoring the Watchers. Welcome to the PsyWarOps matrix of the Globalist New World Order.

The best book on how we are manipulated is called "The True Believer".

The US Constitution was the last hassle for the Fabian Socialists and it has broken... next is the US Dollar. Say goodbye to Sundays at the Ballpark America. Say hello to the Gulag?

Was that too heavy? Just kidding. Biden will make it all ok, right? Trumps gang won't do anything until they make the vax mandatory and start going door to door and even then it won’t be that bad until they drag you into the street for reeducation or relocation based on your psych-profile that they collected on FaceCrack. ohh that was a little heavy. I have been reading too many history books of the communist takeover of Russia and Viet Nam.

China is as Evil as we are but there is no freedom of speech. Remember the Falun Gong.
Fabian Society is here.



Philip Miller
Philip Miller

Written by Philip Miller

I am from Universe and I will return to Universe if I was ever not in/of Universe, the whole time I thought I was in this 3D Experience.

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