Sir? Just like the rioters on Cap Hill although I am not sure what social issues they were pretending to solve and I am pretty sure they weren't sure either. We as Americans in USA of all colors see Whites as having all the power for the last 240 years. Some whites have had lots of power and money and have done terrible things in the name of progress. Are humans all suffering right now? Yes. Are poor whites suffering right now? Yes. Are their last names Rothschild or Rockefeller? No. The powers that be have always used the colors to divide humans. It all falls into the same bag. There is no us or them. It is an illusion. There is only now. What is happening now. Thoughts are just that. All violence begins with a thought. Thoughts create division. Separation. Splitting. The ultimate violence is splitting the atom. Division leads to violence. Saying "I am more better than you because I am more awake than you" leads to Violence. Saying Whites are the cause of bad is the same as saying blacks are ... whatever. Saying "We humans have an issue, could we fix it?" leads to truth. Truth might not fix the weather but it makes it easier to stay dry.
Saying "We humans have an issue and you are to blame and here is what we are going to do about it but your color has to pay, well that's the old game and ends in horrror.