Sickening? Yes!
Helpful Yes!
Let's look for the ancient roots of the racquet. What started this generational mental illness? Where did it come from? Who set it up in USA? Who benefits from us all hating fearing and killing each other? Do you think I want to kill anyone because they are a different color? If you say yes then you are a racist even if you are right. So that's a tough one. The possible solution is to always ask the questions and not provide the historical blame. That always leads to revenge.
Who benefits from us all hating fearing and killing each other?
If I went to China and lived could I say the Chinese were racist?
If I went to some countries in Africa and lived could I say that some blacks were racist?
It always seems to be a blame game of which ethnic color seems to have the most advantage but these days it's always an international gang of many colors that pull all our strings.