"Option #1 makes little sense. Why would a species so advanced that it has mastered interstellar travel have any interest in human governments and their military forces?"
That seems a little shallow as an arguement, considering the depth of your intelligence. I think UFO fatigue is the cause. I mean we study insects too.
"Option #2 reminds one of the bogus “missile gap” narrative that JFK dishonestly sold the American public about the Soviets holding military superiority over the US in their nuclear arsenal. And anyway if a foreign government has this military technology, why didn’t they use it to become the top military superpower years ago?"
They did. They just didn't announce it except through their actions. Everyone plays along with the game so they can remain in power in their own region. The tension between the countries is mostly illusion. Occasionly a “leader” gets off the boat but he is eventually corralled or eliminated.
"Completely unexamined by the Times, to nobody’s surprise, is a third possibility: that the US war machine is lying."
It is time for humans to accept that we are being run by offshore interests. Oh did I say "off-shore"? I meant off-planet. Maybe. “Who” is running this shit show is what we all need to focus on. Full Stop.
One last comment:
"“In a sign outer space could be turning into a theater of war for terrestrial adversaries, it marked the first time the U.S. military has publicly charged Moscow with carrying out a space-based weapons test,” NPR reports."
7 decades late on that headline, lol. Theaters of War are the ultimate smokescreen and cover up the biggest crimes against humanity including population control through harvesting.
Keep up the good work. You are a Unicorn.