is amazing and yet…

… I am feeling the hidden hand.

Philip Miller
2 min readDec 12, 2020

Recently I have been observing blatant manipulation of the “anything goes” space that was once the internet. You feel it too?

Where once you could be offended by all sorts of madness and possible alternate realities, (the very thing that made the internet at all interesting), the internet as a whole, has come under the thumb of one singular global corporate content editor, (if indeed that is the internet they allow me to see, the internet as a whole, as it were).

It appears, by the “official” voice of reasoned, educated & hip humanity, that this is a good thing. The illuminated ones are cheering this on. They say, “Finally an end to these conspiracy theories”. “Finally an end to Russian Interference.” “Finally an end to Edward Snowden”. “Lock up Assange!” “Who cares if we are being monitored?” “Who cares if 5G heats water molecules?”, “Off with their heads!.” Sorry for that last one.

Here is the question, (no answer necessary, except your comments will be read my me, the author, and maybe a paid monitor or two at these Imperialistic social media sites, who by some accounts are being influenced by some of this vitriol and not doing their job of censoring the content according to the “terms of service”),… again here is the question:

Do we humans want to live in a world where the public square #2, (Virtual), is manipulated and censored in an occult way? Where the Queen’s inquisitors & soldiers will arrest you, and cart you off to the dungeons, for believing that Aliens are responsible for humans killing each other off for a profit?

Translated: tastes like chicken
Ok that’s how it makes me feel?

Stay tuned for more “mind grenades”.



Philip Miller

I am from Universe and I will return to Universe if I was ever not in/of Universe, the whole time I thought I was in this 3D Experience.