Lies are everywhere but revelations are pouring in over the bow.

Philip Miller
2 min readNov 24, 2020


LIES lies Lyes Lize Lies™ ¢∞§¶• and the professional liars who tell them.

The Club does not care about you…why should you ever care about them?

You can not read these words because of the programmed fear that is making you ill right now.

This is what they have done to you since childhood.

Your DNA are programmed. They store traumas and instructions. The result is “Wetiko”. “Malignant ego-phrenia”.

The cure is being fed to you whether you like it or not, (right now). It’s called revelations. That is what is increasing your anxiety making you feel sick when you think you should be fine. Revelations is a function of the Universal intelligence. It’s coming from off-shore. Off planet in fact. There is no stopping it.

The cure is to accept that EVEYRTHING you think is real, is a lie. Everything. They have created a mirror of what reality is and you live in it.

This is not funny.

The cure is to take back your mental and physical soverignty. Reject everything and build your own world of warm and fuzzy love intentions. Build your own Mafia of friends and family.

Banish the dark in everything you do. Become a warrior priest of your own comedy based religion.

boB saVes!


Remember, I can only show you the door…



Philip Miller
Philip Miller

Written by Philip Miller

I am from Universe and I will return to Universe if I was ever not in/of Universe, the whole time I thought I was in this 3D Experience.

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