Philip Miller
2 min readApr 13, 2021


Jammed into a corner, too weak to fight?

Indeed, and yet here we are, jammed into a corner by yet another unfathomable manmade catastrophe asking ourselves the same age old question... "How did we get here?"

The problem with the problems.

"When I approach a problem, the chaos, the misery, the suffering, the violence, all that, I approach it with my conclusions, with my fears, with my despairs. I don’t look at the problem itself." J. Krishnamurti

The emphasis on critical thinking and scientific practises as currently taught, have not only failed us, they have in fact led us right to the door of self-induced armageddon. (small "a" on purpose to denote the repetition and banal nature of the repeated destruction of humankind). This out of balance condition is tearing reality apart like an unbalanced washing machine on spin cycle.

The repetition and inability of Humans to work it out is like a person who has a weight problem, is advised to stop eating McDonalds and get more exercise and then doesn't. We sit and judge their lack of compunction for causing society to care for them, without examining/addressing the chemical, psychological, and mind control advertorial programming that has made them mostly helpless to resist in the first place. This is a symptom of the bifurcated neurotic mind of the zeitgeist. We have mostly always been, since the beginnings of civilization, un-well as a society. Schizophrenic. It’s almost as if we had our mental illness programmed into us. “This is bad but we can do it to you if we want to.” Who or what is “We”?

Your assumption that the cult of WTF? is in it for amusement is partially correct, however this is merely a disguise for the real technique at play. To blow up the human's 10,000 year old, DNA programmed, reality tunnel, and expose the Aliens behind the Curtain, we must do the opposite by launching a virus like meme that drops the scales from the minds of the proles. A sort of mind grenade that explodes after the fact, when conversation is past and there is no one to blame or argue with in a hegelian dialectic manner. When a well hidden truth rears it’s ugly head we all tend to dismiss it immediately, however a well mde joke or meme will live on forever in the festering minds of the well abused human.

To what end? The death of the SOS and the continued evolution of human mind towards the one... what else? I mean it’s 2021 and we still wipe our asses with paper made from virgin old growth forests when hemp would be a far superior fiber.

Far from jaded, no?

it’s all right in front of us



Philip Miller
Philip Miller

Written by Philip Miller

I am from Universe and I will return to Universe if I was ever not in/of Universe, the whole time I thought I was in this 3D Experience.

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