I have to say that this is the most considered and well thought out responce to anything I have ever written in 20 years on the internet. Thank you from the bottom of my heart as opposed to the top of my heart… Thank you for your time. Thank you for your mind. Thank you for your willingness to think openly. I wish great peace and prosperty upon you and yours.
In response to your interesting words: Why would the “thesis that there are literally alien overlords” need to be meant in earnest? What does “earnest” actually mean when compared to everything else we as a species agree to be real? How much earnest effort goes into the idea that one brand of shirt is better than another, for the proles? It is the proles who determine what is accepted as real, and then go on to fuel the coffers and become the fodder of the endless wars. The proles and their human overlords are what creates this human response to this current 3D interpretation, through an interactive call and response puppet show.
I’ll admit that I did become lost in semi-complete cynicism and relativism but like they say in some but not all of the great mystic tomes… “you must get lost to find the true way.” Or in AA they say “You have to hit rock bottom to find your way up.
You then go on to suggest quite effortlessly, that the supposition that we were possibly created by genetic engineering as slaves, and are currently shepherded into foul behavior by A’I’ or some other exo-planetary non-human beings, is either the result of conspiratorial or paranoid thinking, (two not one “thought terminating cliches”), or that if true then we would have to accept the “mystical conclusion”, (again a derisive term in some scientific minds), that the aliens are using our rational faculties to deceive us. Not “reason” but the modification and manipulation of the definition or actual act of performing unbiased reasoning. We can see the possible effects of this in your writings above and below.
Next you say that we would need to abandon all hope to challenge the Luciferian take-over taking place on Earth right now, by suggesting we would need to abandon “reason” itself to find another way. Very grim prediction and I don’t agree on that one. We just need a little re-balancing like that washing machine I was refering to a few days ago. Reason is actually what leads us to challenge the reality tunnels we are trapped in. Thought games, radical questions, doing the opposite etc. Doing the same negative things over and over is the definition of madness. Wiping our asses with toilet paper made from Virgin Growth Forests that provide a huge part in out bio-sphere is madness. Is it a conspiracy to consider that maybe we have lost control to a profit mad algorithim or resource plundering exo-corporation? What natural animal on Earth “knowingly” destroys it’s own air or water.
Your final paragraph starts off with three “Thought terminating” key words and summarizes humans into a infantile gang unworthy of survival without hope. Blame the victim? Decadence? Hmmm. Sounds like the “Communist Manifesto”. How’s that for a thought terminating Cliche”? All Republicans will knee-jerk now!
I guess that what I am getting at is that it is high time we try to imagine that a superior race is owning us, and give our fragile egos a rest. In that act a true psychological evolution might occur. We have been stuck for 10,000 years and all the techno lust is not going to move the ball upfield. On the contrary it is playing the entire race into their hands, literally… and if the “aliens” turn out to be an ego-manipulating propaganda controlling generational spanning global super mafia then all the better. At least they are human.
That was fun. Hope you enjoyed it.