Philip Miller
3 min readAug 12, 2020


Porn Planet?

I am sure that not a word of this response will be accepted here, but maybe somewhere else, like in a parallel dimension, it might find an audience.

There is no universe where the lyrics to this song would not be rated X and deemed not fit for children, by any parent or government protecting children from becoming sexualized and even traumatized at too young of an age, unless that planet was a porn planet or run by beings that use humans as animals for sexual and other purposes. Pornographic sounds and words hidden as music that can easily be played without parental intervention, are worse than porn videos which are shockingly direct in their content as opposed to seeping into the mind through mindless repetition.

This sort of media is desensitizing to little girls, like video games that glorify killing are to little boys. People selling this media will spend millions hiding that fact, but you know it's true. Most of the Johns showing up for child prostitution and child pornography cases are burnt out porn users, buyers and traders all.

Your argument, that men are being unfair about the song, because they, male rappers etc., sing about genitals or having sex with as many women as they can, in as violent a fashion as they want, is valid, correct and right on sister, however I don't think humanity as a whole has accepted male rappers' behaviour as being necessarily positive and productive either.

Two wrongs don't make a right but three lefts do...

Rap music is protest music that has turned into a raquet. All protest movements are turned, and sold back to the oppressed. It has happened to all forms of protest music so far, even punk music.

Even white male Rock Stars have done their damage to society by sexualizing, objectifying, and demeaning women. No secret there but again, where do you want your kids to get their sex education and do you want that education to be trauma based?

BTW Demetria, would you like me to read those lyrics to your children when they are 6 years old because that's how old they will be when they hear this song for the first time, and because Cardi B. is a "Star" they will want to emulate her. Maybe they will grow up to be Hoes too. Taking money for sex. That is in the lyrics. Would you defend that? Probably. I mean being a sex worker is a legit way to go in some countries and maybe it's time has come. Hey, maybe it will be offered as a course in some universities soon? Maybe I am just too old fashioned? Maybe child sex trauma is the way to go?

Should women have the same rights as men to promote porn???... damn right they should... We all got the porn inside, and as a defender of the US Constitution I will defend Cardi B's right to be a Hoe, and even sell her music about being a Hoe, but I don't want my kids hearing about her paying her tuition, gagging, or the bottom feeder, on some other kids ipod until they can at least afford to pay their own phone bill… but what’s the use right? In the arms race of a porn planet, no one is safe and nobody making millions off the sale of porn weapons is going to self-regulate in the name of common decency. BTW, why are porn videos free on the internet?

Monarch Programming?



Philip Miller
Philip Miller

Written by Philip Miller

I am from Universe and I will return to Universe if I was ever not in/of Universe, the whole time I thought I was in this 3D Experience.

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