Great piece Steve!!! Pure truth. Great recipe for healing and rarely noticed yet followed. The 50s and 60s gave birth to some amazing thinkers and doers in the "Peace Movement" and then the hammer fell.
WHO could organize this obviously false method of division? What organization at what level of global influence could organize this obvious monkey wrenching paradigm? Is this racism accidental? Why has racism been used as an excuse to perform genocide for 20,000 years, by every race on Earth? Is/was institutional racism accidental? I see exo-human influences at work on our planet. All division leads to violence eventually and yet every single advertisement, song, movie and news report and even religion introduces division into the human consciousness. To add to that, every single visionary that speaks the plain truth like Dr. King has been either assasinated or marginalized in one way or another... cancelled as it were. WHO or what is capable of that? How can we starve such a monster? When will we actually grow up enough as humans to actually identify our true abusers and not just the puppet or scapeGOAT of the moment?