Cute analogy. The pillars of your suppostiions are sitting on a foundation of uncured concrete. Simple second level fact checking will show the reader that, but thankfully for your agenda most folks don't do that. They are too fatigued by the mountains of word salad shoved down their throats every moment of everyday. Let's show the audience just one of your assumed facts:
" We have seen the best our technology can produce when Moderna and Pfizer announced their vaccines at the end of December. The speed and efficacy are breathtaking and miraculous. " I guess you could infer that the scientists are an absoute overnight success, except that the base viruses, tests, and vaccines for Sars Cov were all patented years and years ago... Paid for by the US tax payer. Not a conspiracy Theory but a conspiracy fact. You will never seek that info out though. You have already labeled me and will read no further.
pt deaux: "The goal is to create herd immunity where there is a significant decline in the number of new infections as the pool of available hosts declines from the immunizations. " From the CDC's own spokes-holes mouths, and even Dr. Death's, Herr Fauci, the Vaccine does not stop anyone from contracting the Coronas or spreading the Coronas... Having had the Coronas does not stop anyone from getting the Coronas or spreading the Coronas. There is no such thing as herd immunity for the Common Cold or any Flu as we can see by investing in TheraFlu, Nyquill, or Advil for the last 50 years. "There is no cure for the Common Cold or Flu which are Corona viruses"
We are all carrying a certain amount of all viruses all the time. Cancer is in everyone all the time. When our immune system, ie. general health, becomes compromised by whatever BS we are engaged in, eating or listening to that creates too much stress for us to handle, then we express the viruses presence with symptoms, because the virus has formed a large colony somewhere in our body that our T-Cells and B cells can't supress yet, and the toxins are building up in our blood etc. faster than we can sweat piss and shit them out. Hello? Basic stuff here.
So what I am getting at is that you are adding to the problem. Of course we can go back to pre-covid if we can get rid of the takeover move of whomever you think is trying to take over the Earth. I vote for A.I. from planet Death Cult. lol.