Cunning, baffling and powerful is a description of the disease of alcoholism according to Alcoholics Anonymous. It is cunning because the disease can stay in the background patiently. Baffling is a perfect description of how we feel when we go back to drinking and taking drugs again. Powerful is an understatement. We are at a loss for words as we try to describe just how much power the disease has over us. We as a race of beings are addicted to the current unnatural and pornographic beast that is the technocratic death cult that is making it's move towards it's final solution... really. And BTW who really gives a Fock about you-tube? It's so stupid in the big picture. So juvenile...
The peaceful solution to the most despotic overlords is to kill them with abstinence. Only when we stop rewarding our abusers with time, atttention or money will they move on to another planet. Bite the bullet, go cold turkey and if you must go to internet rehab or just start a new "youtube like" platform for Christ's sake. Everybody has to suffer for this one. We are all complicit in what led to this in every purchase or time gift we have given to the A.I. Me included. Here I sit trying to convince literally no one that we are being gamed by an off-world intelligence hell bent on a take-over. How sick am I. I could be walking in the sunshine or baking or even masturbating for the love of mammon! Anything but this?
This means the entire human race needs to have a psychological revolution of one sort or another starting with the simple act of abstinence, "One Day At A Time”. Maybe dump the Amazon Prime account? Delete your face-crack account? Dump Twitter? Volunter at the local Hospice? Paint the porch? Shovel some snow?